The ambiguous power of two worlds

A genuinely satisfying experience

Diana Sandes
2 min readJul 4, 2021
Photo by Claire Nolan on Unsplash

Take responsibility for what happens to free yourself. There are always choices and now is the time to loosen of this old way of seeing and thinking, choosing to follow a different route. In the long term, the energy of complacency — that habitual willingness and tendency to respond to other people’s desires with the intention of being pleasant — can interfere with making the decision to take what is really important, from the heart.

Giving space to your passions and opening up new possibilities is a matter of free will. It starts in our minds, allowing and accepting, taking the hand out of control. It requires a sympathetic and gentle vision, of change little by little, with small doses of self-knowledge. For that encouragement, it is worth to remain yourself in the energy of gratitude, accessing positive beliefs about yourself. Thus, greater possibilities naturally arise.

This is the magic, so to speak, it is a way to develop your individual path. Power expands with courage, able to illuminate our insides and allow us to be who we are. The stimulus happens due to the cumulative effect of each step, gradually.

The focus needs to be on your own desires and dreams. The strength for this is to make small daily choices — it’s what brings movement — with free results, independent of external circumstances. Often, recognize that movement is slowed by fear of making mistakes, disappointing and failing. Absolutely natural and human, don’t get overwhelmed, watch your emotions and go ahead.

Therefore, the great energy of this moment is to continue to act with caution, using your power of discernment. Pay attention, plan and evaluate the path in each decision, following your rhythm, in a succession of strong and weak times that alternate at regular intervals.

At the same time, the proposal is to be the best of both worlds: cautious and agile. With the skill of planning, offer movement and speed while moving, towards stability, safety and tranquility. All this can be done quickly and slowly, with patience. Your choice is an unfinished story, sometimes we find ourselves in a pivotal phase, of fundamental importance in relation to the development and success of something extremely rewarding.

Which area of ​​your life do you want to transform? Let’s say your career is what makes the most sense. And then, naturally, the result of this area will extend to other areas — health, intellectual and affective life — since during the process, an internal (r)evolution takes place, transcending our limits.

It’s an awakening.

